Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Last Time!

When was the last time you actually looked at someone, and could you recall what you saw ?  When looking into their eyes, did you see joy, delight, enthusiasm, sadness, pain, despair?  Where are you, and do you really see them ?

When was the last time you made an effort to look up and communicate directly with the cashier, waitress or clerk providing you a service?

I am absolutely not against the tech age, with cell phones, twittering etc, were it not  t for the "Tech Age"  we wouldn’t have the opportunity to write and share these blogs,etc. . . . However, I am aware and concerned of the extreme lack of personal contact we are experiencing; we are really losing the experience of real personal sharing.with our children's obsession of playing video and on-line games to our very own ongoing endless on-line chatter.
We are constantly talking on  cell phones or twittering, and believe we are indulging in direct personal communication.  Stop and look up … see what is going on around you... what are the kids, or our love ones doing, seeing. feeling, and experiencing? Can they possibly share with you, or are they continually voided out. Have you noticed they are there and need to share.

Daily we are all the recipients of some form of extreme rudeness with indifference as to the actions of such conduct in our society.

How do you feel when someone is busy talking on phone, twittering, nodding or waving at you when you really need them? Think about it!
When was the last time you sat across the table with your family members , love ones, or friends, enjoying and sharing good food or special dessert and some real conversation , really seeing, feeling , tasting and experiencing it all fully?
It can be quite rewarding sharing around the table, "Breaking Bread" as the expression goes.
Maybe it’s time for direct personal face to face contact with an intimate family supper, or perhaps brunch with a friend or two, without the ongoing cell phone or tweeter talk... Are we so addicted, we cannot turn it off at times?

I personally enjoy cooking and sharing , however if you don’t cook or have the time to do so,….get together anyway ,invite them over to a take home pizza or other EZ dessert treat and enjoy the sharing.

"The Cook"    Soup N Stuff    

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